Richard Mann wrote:
> Arcade may be better than colonnade, but arcade is definitely in more
> common usage in the UK for a pedestrian route through a block with
> shops on both sides, so it will be slightly misleading. However I
> suppose the position next to a road makes it clear that it's one-sided.
> Richard

True, but again we are not just mapping for UK. I agree that it has a
different meaning in different part of the world. In my hometown you can
see the arcades look like this:
It is also the case in Tours in France, in the center. As someone
mentioned before, the arcade seems to be in use in Italy too. It would
be nice to have different people from different countries to chime in so
we can ascertain if the usage is right or not.
Using colonnade won't help as it is clearly a different kind of
structure in the first place.

Emilie Laffray

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