
2009/6/17 Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com>:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=48.8221&lon=-124.053&zoom=12&layers=B000FTF

This looks really nice and I'm happy to see the POIs converted too.

> You can see alot more detail on this area. The only feature that isnt loaded
> is the big polygon of wooded area, (that'll take the bulkUpload.pl script
> (that i still need to figure out)  .... thats why im at beta 0.74 (im sure
> it's not that hard to learn, i just havent got to it yet.

I have at http://www.openstreetmap.pl/balrog/bulkupload/ a bunch of
very simple upload scripts in python that I use for my bulk uploads.
(I'm wondering if I should clean them up and ask someone to put in the
svn along the perl and php versions because this version has some neat
features like splitting and upload progress indication)

> So I look forward to all your nit pickings.

I think the definitions really don't belong in the the data -- perhaps
if you want to see them, your browser should look them up in some
table rather than load from the data.

Also I noticed the schools in Lake Cowichan are buildings according to
the canvec data but don't have a building=* tag.

Another nit pick is that the tertriary road with ref=18 is not
connected with the other roads.  There is probably no way to do this
part automatically.  I tend to do this manually always *before*
uploading to OSM.


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