On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Ben Laenen<benlae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> MP wrote:
>> So currently, if I want to know "how was the way drawn in time T", I
>> had to get history of the way, then find out which nodes were used by
>> the way in time T, then get history from each of the nodes and pick
>> appropriate node from the history, given the time. Then combine this
>> into output XML which I can view
>> Is there some automated tool that will do that?
> Now, what I really want to see here is something similar, but for relations:
> being able to ask for a certain version of a relation from the history and
> seeing how it looked back then with its members also like they were at that
> time.

But remember that the nodes in way change, and the positions of the
nodes change, without the version number of the relation incrementing.
So you don't really want a system that shows you what the relation X
version Y looks like, you want relation X timestamp T.

Does anyone want to propose a moniker for "point releases" of objects
i.e. all the variations in a object over time that occur between
version increments on the object itself?


> If someone edits some roads nowadays and doesn't see that there are route
> relations on the roads you could end up easily with a situation where it's
> virtually impossible to know how the route was going, because ways were moved,
> merged, and deleted, and the list of way ids you get from the history is not
> helping a bit. The only option would then be to search for and contact the
> person who created that route there and hope that he's still active in OSM and
> still has his notes somewhere so he can retag that route. If not, then the
> only option to fix something is to resurvey, and that seems like a waist of
> time given that the information is in the database.
> Ben
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