On Thursday 25 June 2009 16:37:14 andrzej zaborowski wrote:
> 2009/6/25 John Smith <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com>:
> > --- On Thu, 25/6/09, Vincent MEURISSE <osm-t...@meurisse.org> wrote:
> >> >> and cannot install the OSM plugin for
> >> >> wordpress neither
> >> >
> >> > http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/osm/
> >>
> >> ??
> >> nice answer :)
> >>
> >> (Btw I don't know the answer)
> >
> > Take a screen shot?
> Since the goal is to replace Google maps it should have the same
> functionality.  While I don't know the answer I suggest looking at how
> the Google maps worked, if it was using a wordpress plugin then it
> should be equally doable with the osm plugin (what's the error
> message, if there's one?).

You may get bigger acceptance for the idea of using OSM instead of Google if 
you point out places where OSM is much, much better.  Case in point:
(Bukarest -- in fact most of Romania)


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