On 01/07/09 16:58, Alice Kaerast wrote:

> The PHP bulk uploader does indeed fine if all you want to do is upload
> *new* nodes.  It causes duplicates if you try uploading existing data.
> The PHP uploader may need modifying slightly to handle curl not liking
> the OSM API, ie.
> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
> needs prepending to the other curl_setopt lines.  (For some reason
> my svn client has decided it is unable to give diffs any more)

That shouldn't be needed anymore - the latest version of lighttpd which 
we are now running has an option to stop it returning an error for those 
expect headers and it has been turned on for a while now.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

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