2009/7/9 John Smith <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com>:


> Tracing rivers and such on OSM gave me an idea for a possible way to
promote OSM, geography students.


> I mean what better way to teach kids about geography than doing a
little cartography :)




By coincidence, I gave a short invited presentation about OSM last
evening to a geography GPS class. The professor will require some sort
of project from each student, and I'm hoping that some of them will use
OSM as part of their work. The professor is aware of open-source GIS
software but has not been familiar with OSM beyond a general awareness
of it.


We are encouraging students NOT to do the obvious things of mapping
certain features on campus, because we plan to work with a GIS class
this fall to upload files of campus features, local bus stops/routes,
and the like. But I encouraged the off-road cyclists to map local
trails, and a golfer to map the university golf course. An older student
is interested in mapping services of interest to senior citizens in  his
home town some 40 miles from campus. One student was involved a few
years ago in creating something like the GNIS file that someone has
uploaded, and he may do some work to correct the location errors in it
in the local area. I also encouraged those with access to any of the
many gated communities in this area to map those, because the Yahoo
imagery indicates a lot of construction but no final streets and
structures. I am interested to see what comes of all of this. The
students seemed to be intrigued that students have been big contributors
to the OSM endeavor.


By the way, whom in the OSM network should I contact about getting help
with the uploads this fall? A couple of months ago there was some
discussion here about developing some sort of support team for uploading
files, and I don't remember seeing what came of that.


Ed Hillsman


Edward L. Hillsman, Ph.D.

Senior Research Associate

Center for Urban Transportation Research

University of South Florida

4202 Fowler Ave., CUT100

Tampa, FL  33620-5375

813-974-2977 (tel)

813-974-5168 (fax)

hills...@cutr.usf.edu <mailto:pol...@cutr.usf.edu>    

http://www.cutr.usf.edu <blocked::http://www.cutr.usf.edu/> 


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