On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 05:59 -0700, trossachs wrote:
> Thanks for your help Jon.
> Yes, I'm using Windows and as you can tell, I'm a newbie at this map stuff.
> I've managed to get Postgres installed with PostGIS extensions and I've got
> GeoServer set up as well.
> I tried downloading the osm2pgsql from the link you gave me and it appears
> to download a 1.7Mb file but when I try to unzip it, the unzip software
> tells me the file is empty.

The file should be 1.8MB (1850788 bytes exactly)

The file works for me, the example below was just done using Linux

$ wget http://tileserv.openstreetmap.org/osm2pgsql.zip                 
--2009-07-12 14:19:13--  http://tileserv.openstreetmap.org/osm2pgsql.zip        
Resolving localhost...                                                
Connecting to localhost||:3128... connected.                           
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK                                 
Length: 1850788 (1.8M) [application/zip]                                        
Saving to: `osm2pgsql.zip'                                                      

 1,850,788   --.-K/s   in 0.07s   

2009-07-12 14:19:13 (25.7 MB/s) - `osm2pgsql.zip' saved [1850788/1850788]

[jburg...@shark tmp]$ unzip osm2pgsql.zip 
Archive:  osm2pgsql.zip                   
   creating: osm2pgsql/                   
  inflating: osm2pgsql/zlib1.dll          
  inflating: osm2pgsql/bz2-1.dll          
  inflating: osm2pgsql/900913.sql         
  inflating: osm2pgsql/libiconv-2.dll     
  inflating: osm2pgsql/default.style      
  inflating: osm2pgsql/README.txt         
  inflating: osm2pgsql/libxml2-2.dll
  inflating: osm2pgsql/libpq.dll
  inflating: osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql.exe
[jburg...@shark tmp]$ osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql.exe
osm2pgsql SVN version 0.55-20081113 $Rev: 10464 $

        osm2pgsql.exe [options] planet.osm
        osm2pgsql.exe [options] planet.osm.{gz,bz2}
        osm2pgsql.exe [options] file1.osm file2.osm file3.osm

This will import the data from the OSM file(s) into a PostgreSQL database
suitable for use by the Mapnik renderer

   -a|--append          Add the OSM file into the database without removing
                        existing data.
   -b|--bbox            Apply a bounding box filter on the imported data
                        Must be specified as: minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat
                        e.g. --bbox -0.5,51.25,0.5,51.75
   -c|--create          Remove existing data from the database. This is the
                        default if --append is not specified.
   -d|--database        The name of the PostgreSQL database to connect
                        to (default: gis).
   -l|--latlong         Store data in degrees of latitude & longitude.
   -m|--merc            Store data in proper spherical mercator (default)
   -M|--oldmerc         Store data in the legacy OSM mercator format
   -E|--proj num        Use projection EPSG:num
   -u|--utf8-sanitize   Repair bad UTF8 input data (present in planet
                        dumps prior to August 2007). Adds about 10% overhead.
   -p|--prefix          Prefix for table names (default planet_osm)
   -s|--slim            Store temporary data in the database. This greatly
                        reduces the RAM usage but is much slower.
   -S|--style           Location of the style file. Defaults to ./default.style
   -C|--cache           Only for slim mode: Use upto this many MB for caching 
                        Default is 800
   -U|--username        Postgresql user name.
   -W|--password        Force password prompt.
   -H|--host            Database server hostname or socket location.
   -P|--port            Database server port.
   -h|--help            Help information.
   -v|--verbose         Verbose output.

Add -v to display supported projections.
Use -E to access any espg projections (usually in /usr/share/proj/epsg)


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