> simon,
> i might have a christmas present for you...

Is it Christmas already?? I like presents ;-)

Looks like we've both been busy (just don't tell my boss I was up till
02:30 playing with this).

Using a combination of Fredrick's perl script and GnuPlot (to perform
contouring) I produced the attached contours. You should be able to open
in JOSM and then download the OSM lay to match.

I'll merge '.osm's and throw this through osmarender tonight to see what
they really look like. I'm a visual sort of guy, but you might be right
them being confussing to the average bod.

> http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/gary68/distancemap.pl

One thing I was thinking was that the osm used for producing the distance
nodes, does not have to be the same as the mapping layer. This would
enable it to be customised (unroutable ways deleted for example) prior to

There are also 'areas' for improvement, for example the main highway
running through Coleman is missing some sections of side walks and really
kids should only be crossing at signed crosswalks. This could be achieve
by duplicating the way slightly displaced and editing to force the above.

You might also want to factor in the 'access=private' tag and avoid stairs
(in the case of a walking map) as mum dropping kids at school often have
prams/strollers for siblings.


PS. I started a wiki page to write up our efforts:

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