Stephen Hope wrote:
> I'm sure somebody somewhere has used a tag like max_speed_opposite or
> something like that, but the closest I've actually seen to a
> recomendation is this
> Look at the discussion tab for more info.  I don't knwo how widely
> this is actually used, either in the data or processing it.
> You may want to ask on the main talk list, rather than talk-au to get
> a wider opinion.
> Stephen
> 2009/7/22 John Smith <>:
>> A section of the Bruce highway just north of Gympie has 2 different speed 
>> limits depending what direction you are traveling.
>> While I guess this could be solved as 2 single lanes is there a more elegant 
>> solution?
>> When going south you hit an 80 sign 300-500m before the school signs, 
>> however when going north you hit a 90 sign as you leave the school zone, I'm 
>> pretty sure I've come across other dual speed zones on the same piece of 
>> road depending on the direction of travel, but they're rare.
I think using maxspeed:forward and maxspeed:backward would be the best
This was also discussed for access= depending on the direction you come

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