On 01/08/2009, at 1:36 AM, SLXViper wrote:
> Those untagged nodes sometimes show up quite a lot, depending on the
> area. In one case there were a lot of untagged nodes along a way, each
> very close to another node belonging to the way. All untagged ones  
> were
> created by a potlatch user, I think someone tried to draw another  
> way on
> top of the first one, but failed doing so.

I've seen this once before, about three or four months ago, and I also  
probably performed the action (in Potlatch) that lead to it occurring.  
I made a note to myself to report it when I'd finished the task I was  
currently doing, but seem to have forgotten to pay attention to the  
note. Oops :(

What happened in my case was that there was an existing way  
(riverbank) which was not particularly accurate, and we had gotten  
some much more accurate data. So I copied the tags from the existing  
way to my new one, editing all the places where it joined to anything,  
and then deleted the old way. In Potlatch it looked fine. When I came  
back to the area about a week later, I saw that all the nodes that  
were part of the old (now deleted) way were still on the map. It looks  
like the way had been deleted but the nodes, unused by anything else  
and with no tags, had not been deleted.

As SLXViper noted the nodes appeared very close to the current way,  
which was because they were just from a less accurate version of the  
same thing. Sorry for not reporting this earlier, it had slipped by  
mind due to being a bit busy at the time.

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