On 01/08/2009, at 7:38 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Well, you can do this, but most routers will try not to use
> residential roads if there is another way.

Maybe things are different over in Europe than here in Australia. My  
Garmin when using commercial maps and a friend's NavMan are both more  
than happy to take you down what we have been taggin as "residential"  
streets, if it will save you a few seconds time.

The exception is roads marked as "local traffic only", which I'd tag  
as "access=destination".

> both of these are IMHO not valid for industrial
> areas, that's why your aussie-way might produce slightly worse routing
> results (don't know, just an idea).

If we ignore the Australian tagging guidelines, what should we use for  
roads that are the same as residential ones but in an industrial area?  
According to the wiki, unclassified roads are wider than residential  
ones, and while roads in industrial areas are often wider than  
residential ones, that's not always the case.

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