On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 01:29:19 +0000 (GMT), John Smith
<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Sun, 2/8/09, Michael Kugelmann <michaelk_...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> The article also says:
>>  >  It has three-quarters of the mass (0.75-kg) and
>> volume of a CubeSat
>> => quite small and the capacity will not be suficcient
>> for appropriate 
>> lens/camera. And I'm shure it is not 3 axis stabilisation
>> => no 
>> alignment to the desired "target".
> If someone can rectify images taken out the side window of a plane as it
> comes in for landing, and taken by astronauts on the space station they
> could probably rectify images from a sat without stablisation.
Somebody please host the WMS

But it can also result in an "OpenLunaMap" :D

Aun Johnsen
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