
In this chapter of "How the f*** do I tag this piece of s***?", I ask everyone 
to have a look at these images:


At the right of the image, you'll see some retractable bollards. You know, a 
bollard that mechanically dissapears into the ground with a remote control or 
something. A standard bollard is barrier=bollard, but how to tag a 
retractable one?

To the left of those, you'll see a couple of yellow foldable thingamajig. They 
are supposed to stay folded at ground level to allow traffic, and they can 
be "deployed" up and locked up (with a key) in order to prevent any vehicles 
from passing through (sometimes the thingamajigs are used to prevent people 
from parking somewhere instead).

So, how to tag the barrier=retractable_bollard and the 

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es>

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