On Tuesday 18 Aug 2009 6:27:10 am you wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves<law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> > On Monday 17 Aug 2009 11:46:20 pm Richard Weait wrote:
> >> I've started a mapnik style sheet that renders golf holes with
> >> fairways, greens and other goodies.  Have a look and help out if you
> >> are inclined.
> >>
> >> http://weait.com/content/golf-course-style-openstreetmap
> >
> > some of us have done considerable work in this area - it is on the wiki.
> > You could incorporate that instead of completely reinventing the wheel
> > regards
> > Kenneth Gonsalves
> Dear Kenneth,
> I'm sorry that you have found offense where none was intended.  I am
> aware of the work on the wiki[1] and mentioned and linked the wiki in
> my article as I took much of my guidance from the wiki.
> Your suggestion that I've reinvented the wheel is baffling.
> I've used golf=fairway/green/bunker/tee as suggested on the wiki and
> discussion page[2].  I added golf=tee to the wiki as it was only on
> the discussion page.
> None of these are reinventing the wheel.
> I marked water areas as natural=water and trees as landuse=forest as
> seen in every country on OpenStreetMap, so surely you are not
> suggesting that is reinventing the wheel.
> I've put together an example in mapnik, the discussion page has
> samples in Kosmos and osmarender.  No duplication there.
> So what has put your nose out of joint?  Help me understand you.

I know it sounded a bit abrupt - but actually I am not annoyed with you, I am 
pleased that you have taken interest in this - actually what made me a bit 
abrupt is that I have been struggling to get up a local server for India, 
mainly to properly display golf courses and was frustrated at getting nowhere 
- so maybe I took it out on you. Apologies. Keep up the good work.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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