El Viernes, 21 de Agosto de 2009, Frederik Ramm escribió:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Service_awards
> One part of me finds them funny, and interesting, almost as if they come
> from some sort of role playing game. Another part of me abhors the
> implicit hierarchy conferred by such awards, it is almost like service
> ranks in the military.
> But whatever one thinks of them, they surely are fun for a lot of
> people, and give them a sense of achievement.

We already have the lolcats of awsumnez for outstanding stuff, but it could be 
nice to give away hi-viz vests with more or less reflective strips, or 
different colours (orange-yellow-green-white).

An even nicer thing would be tools of our trade: dioptra, astrolabe, sextant, 
octant, cross-staff, compass, circumferentor, theodolite, Gunter's chain, 
heliotrope, gyrocompass, gyrotheodolite, LIDAR rangefinder, GPS, and a total 

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es>

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