--- On Sat, 22/8/09, Peter Körner <osm-li...@mazdermind.de> wrote:

> Thank you for the hint :)

I really shouldn't be emailing when tired...

> The second should fetch the border of Germany and the first
> one all boundaries in that. At least that's what I want it
> to do :)

I just ran that query on my database and used name='Australia' and it works as 
you thought it should.

SELECT count(osm_id)
FROM planet_osm_polygon
WHERE boundary='administrative' AND
   ST_Within(way, (SELECT way FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE
     boundary='administrative' AND admin_level='2' AND name='Australia'
     LIMIT 1))

I'm still waiting for it to finish counting, but I ran it with a limit 10 and 
it worked fine.


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