
I believe I never officially 'announced' OSMdoc on this mailing list
I'd like to do this now:


It is a site using a JavaScript interface to view tag usage data. It
uses the whole planet and the data can be easily sorted and filtered.
That sums it up already. It has some but not all features of Dirk
Stoecker's original Tagwatch (http://tagwatch.stoecker.eu/). OSMdoc on
the other hand has a few features that the original doesn't have.
I'm announcing it today because I just updated the site with fresh
data and a few other new things

- Changeset Tags are now supported (only six different tags have been
used so far)
- Data is from the 2009/08/12 planet snapshot (1.029.615.736 Tags)
- Keys and Values have a tab that displays possible misspellings. It
generates those by calculating the Damerau-Levenshtein distance and
displaying every key/value with a distance of 1

The site is in a mix of german and english at the moment and several
things might not work...correct translations, feature requests, bug
reports, criticism, etc. are always welcome!


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