Gary68 schrieb:
> hi!
> but XAPI is also intended to take load off the API, right? so it might
> be a good idea to implement these simple query functions.

actually, no. The XAPI was really written to answer types of queries
where the API would not cope, or the API was not made for (give me every
node tagged as a phone booth on the entire world, for example)

t...@h then started using it as a secondary datasource, because it started
loading the main API too much, only then the role of XAPI became more of
a load-reducing one for the main API.

TRAPI and ROMA were other offloading APIs that were made for uses such
as t...@h, those, too, are limited in what kind of api calls they allow
("map" bboxes only, IIRC)


Dirk-Lüder "Deelkar" Kreie
Bremen - 53.0901°N 8.7868°E

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