On 5 Sep 2009, at 8:40 , andrzej zaborowski wrote:

> 2009/9/5 Apollinaris Schoell <ascho...@gmail.com>:
>>> I agree, maybe it's worth to have a fundraiser for a separate,
>>> official mapnik server + super speedy hosting (unless the people
>>> involved with UCL think that we can have a reliable enough  
>>> connection
>>> hosted free by UCL, or somebody else wants to offer reliable and  
>>> free
>>> hosting).  Since it's that important for the popularity of OSM I  
>>> think
>>> it's well within OSMF mission statement to take on such a project.
>>> And since CloudMade's / others' hosted tiles are also free to use,  
>>> it
>>> would not take away any money from those companies and remove  
>>> business
>>> opportunities.
>> Cloudmade is already doing it. Don't know if they make business or  
>> offer it
>> for free here.
>> http://www.whitehouse.gov/change/
> Right, the difference is that with an "official" tile server we could
> have the main page or wiki point users to it.  As it is now a lot of
> people would not agree for the main page to recommend CloudMade as the
> provider of choice and indeed it may be a little unfair.
> Cheers

I am not against an "official" tile server with 100% uptime. And  
definitely the main OSM pages shouldn't use any commercial server.
For any external use like SFD it makes sense to stay with a commercial  
solution where they can get paid support and customization if needed.
Also Wikipedia started to set up their own map server based on osm  
data to have control of styles, updates, ....

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