On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves<law...@au-kbc.org> wrote:
> no - for all the reasons already mentioned. It is not ok to use it for
> anything whatsoever to do with OSM.

First, all I have seen here are just opinions. Second, copyright laws
and definition of "derivative work" depends on the country you are.
And StreetView is present in many countries now.
There are some questions here : is the content of a photo copyrighted
like the photo itself ? And reading  a street sign on a image a
copyright infringement ?
For both, I would say 'no'. What is copyrighted is the photo itself,
not its content. That's why you cannot draw on the top of a satellite
picture. Your work is derivated from the picture, not from the earth.
Did Google payed copyright owners before taking pictures of houses
facades, streets, monuments, posters, human bodies, etc ? No.

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