>> I'm glad to see that this project is moving on and especially that
>>  it's using Qt :) However, I get a compile error with revision 2:

>Me too.

>In SRTM.h there is:

>#include <GL.h>

>But in maths.h I see this instead:

>#ifdef __APPLE__
>#include <gl.h>
>#include <GL/gl.h>

>Quite inconsistent, considering in both cases probably the same header
>should be included :). On my system I have only <GL/gl.h> but not

An oversight, not deliberate :-) Anyway it's fixed now.

I've also fixed a few things with the latest revision, for instance if you 
load in a SRTM height file it places you in the centre of the bounding 
box. Also you jump to location using lat/lon, not UK Grid Ref, which 
should (though not tested) make it internationally compatible.

However don't expect great usability just yet, I'm focusing more on the 
backend for the moment. The interface is just enough to allow testing. 
Next thing will be to display OSM data overlaid on the SRTM, then after 
that, lighting effects (perhaps using system time to work out the actual 
position of the sun). I'm just following the "release early, release 
often" idea ;-)


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