I tried to import planet-090916.osm.bz2 into the postgres database
using osmosis, using empty schema from:

Revision: 17698

The dump process:

time bzip2 -dc $HOME/import/planet-090916.osm.bz2 | \
        $HOME/osmosis/trunk/bin/osmosis \
        --read-xml file=-\
        --write-apidb-0.6 authFile=$HOME/import/planet-authfile.txt

failed after taking 26 hours and 415GB of space with:

org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Unable to load current 
way nodes.
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 
ERROR: insert or update on table "current_way_nodes" violates 
        foreign key constraint "current_way_nodes_node_id_fkey"           
        Detail: Key (node_id)=(497587545) is not present in table 

My current_nodes contains now 434807934 rows and current_ways 12050.
The highest numbered node is 497541099 and way is 1999800.

Is this inconsistency of the planet.osm file or am I doing something wrong?
Is there any way to recover from this or should I restart the whole process from

Which dump would you recommend?

              << Marcin Cieslak // sa...@saper.info >>

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