I am worried there might be some copyright issues

The sites within the UK will probably have been mapped using the British
Ordnance Survey, and therefore should have copyright restrictions.

A quick internet search shows that data is available to download in the UK,
but with some conditions(?).

I think the status of the data needs to be very carefully checked.


2009/9/22 Roman Neumüller <r.neumul...@gmail.com>

> Good news: we can use the shapefiles of wetland.org (1)!
> :D
> Roman
> (1)
> http://ramsar.wetlands.org/GISMaps/DownloadGISdatasets/tabid/769/language/en-US/Default.aspx
> ------- Forwarded message -------
> From: "PECK Dwight" <p...@ramsar.org>
> To: "Roman Neumüller" <em...@katpatuka.org>
> Cc: "stephan.fl...@wetlands.org" <stephan.fl...@wetlands.org>
> Subject: RE: RE: shapefile usage of ramsar sites for openstreetmap.org
> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 11:27:06 +0300
> Greetings, many thanks for your message. As far as we are concerned, we
> consider all of the Ramsar site data and products, including those that
> Wetlands International prepares for us, to be in the public domain. We
> only ask that the use of any data should be dated so that users can judge
> the currency and accuracy.
> Best regards, Dwight Peck.
> **********
> Dwight Peck
> Communications Officer
> Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
> Gland, Switzerland
> p...@ramsar.org, www.ramsar.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roman Neumüller [mailto:em...@katpatuka.org]
> Sent: 22 September 2009 10:15
> To: Ramsar Mailbox
> Subject: Fwd: RE: shapefile usage of ramsar sites for openstreetmap.org
> Hello,
> I contacted Stephan Flink from wetlands.org to ask if openstreetmap.org
> could make use of their shapefiles of Ramsar sites under Creative Commons
> Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license. He adviced me to ask the Ramsar
> Secretariat to confirm that there are no restriction to use this data (see
> correspondence below).
> Please let me know if there are any legal restrictions in using the data.
> Greetings
> Roman Neumüller
> ------- Forwarded message -------
> From: "Flink, Stephan" <stephan.fl...@wetlands.org>
> To: "Roman Neumüller" <em...@katpatuka.org>
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: shapefile usage for openstreetmap.org
> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:52:33 +0300
> Dear Roman,
> I'm not aware of any legal restrictions to display the shapefiles in OSM
> other than the following ToU
> (http://ramsar.wetlands.org/Home/tabid/719/ctl/Terms/Default.aspx). As
> Wetlands International is the caretaker of all Ramsar Site information and
> the ownership of the data lies with the Ramsar Secretariat in Switzerland
> (ram...@ramsar.org<mailto:ram...@ramsar.org>), I suggest contacting the
> Secretariat to ensure that this is indeed the case.
> Best wishes,
> Stephan Flink
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roman Neumüller [mailto:em...@katpatuka.org]
> Sent: vrijdag 18 september 2009 16:14
> To: Flink, Stephan
> Subject: RFI: shapefile usage for openstreetmap.org
> Hello Stephan,
> I see that I can download shapefiles of Ramsar sites from wetlands.org.
> Are there any legal restrictions for conversion and usage of these
> shapefiles under the wiki map project http://openstreetmap.org (OSM)?
> OSM's content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
> 2.0 license...
> Greetings
> Roman Neumüller
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