2009/10/2 Jonathan Bennett <openstreet...@jonno.cix.co.uk>:
> Markus Lindholm wrote:
>> Isn't it time that the governing board establishes a tagging council
>> of some sort
> See
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:What_Wikipedia_is_not#Wikipedia_is_not_a_bureaucracy
> for what Another Plaice thinks of that idea.

There's also the link

Now seriously, Wikipedia and OSM have much in common but are also very
different on many levels. Wikipedia have an Arbitration Committee that
exercises definite power over wikipedians, I hope OSM won't ever need
that. But I do think that OSM would need some sort of recognized
entity that would maintain an official set of keys and values. After
all the namespace we have for keys are finite.


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