On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 9:22 AM, Robert Schumann
<rob...@softwarefreedomday.org> wrote:
> I'm writing on behalf of Software Freedom International, the organisation
> that runs Software Freedom Day (SFD). We currently have a registration
> system for teams taking part in SFD that puts a pin in the map for teams,
> and we'd like to migrate that system onto OSM.
> The 2009 teams can be seen at
> http://cgi.softwarefreedomday.org/2009/map.shtml, and uses Google Maps.
> What we're looking for is a volunteer (or volunteers!) to work alongside our
> technical team to make a slick, easy to use registration system - integrated
> with the rest of our site - and a great-looking map to raise the profile of
> software freedom. Apart from taking on responsibility for developing the
> registration system and map, you'll be expected to attend regular IRC
> meetings and coordinate your work with that of other SFI officers and board
> members. The opportunity also exists to join the board and be involved in
> developing our strategy.

Good to hear that you're willing to switch from Google Maps and are
planning on improving your registration system. But are you aware that
in the interim you could very easily (probably with a <10 line code
change) just use the OpenStreetMap tiles instead of Google's with your
Google Maps API-based application?

See the previous thread on this mailing list[1] about SFD. There's
even a bookmarklet to switch any GM-based map to OSM-tiles and some
documentation on the wiki[2] about using OSM with the Google Maps API.

1. http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2009-September/041592.html
2. http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Maps_Example

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