2009/11/1 Anthony <o...@inbox.org>:
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Peteris Krisjanis <pec...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Anyway, to resume all this discussion - PLEASE don't trace from photo
>> without permission for OSM, whatever your temptations are.
> Permission from whom, and in what form?  Supposedly the Yahoo images
> are okay, but 1) Yahoo didn't take the pictures in the first place,
> and 2) I haven't verified that Yahoo even gave permission (who signed
> the waiver?  what indication do we have that they were authorized to
> do so?  can I see a copy of the waiver?  what exactly are the terms?).

For example, I bought orthographical photos for my town and I got
permission to trace them for OSM. Written in paper, signed by me and

Yahoo is another matter. They have stated several times - and probably
are asked questions about this all the time - if it is right. I think
public statements from Yahoo about this already protects you in case
if someone in Yahoo goes high-wire and wants everyone to sue about it.

You can do whatever you want, buy it or not. Again, OSM project's
consensus is that you can trace Yahoo, but you can't from Google
products. Because first one said yes, you can, and second said no.
Several times.

> I'm hesitant to push that issue, but hey, if OSM decides to stop
> helping people trace from Yahoo maybe someone else will come along
> with less silly rules.

No one will. Geo photos are expensive matter and if they are not
goverment sponsored, it is usually bread and butter for company who
makes them.


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