On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 23:30 +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Dave Hansen wrote:
> > There are still quite a few squeaky wheels that
> > like to grumble about TIGER, but I haven't heard a single person say
> > that it did more harm than good.
> Well then you obviously haven't read the two latest entries in Matt 
> Amos' blog here,
> http://www.asklater.com/matt/wordpress/
> ("Imports and the Community", parts I and II), with part II ending thus:
> "In conclusion; ... the theoretical model still predicts that imports 
> damage the growth of the editor community. ..."
> Of course Matt's findings are not backed up by a lot of evidence as he 
> himself says, so they might be wrong. And even if they were right, it 
> would be valid (if slightly un-OSM-like) to say "to hell with the editor 
> community, I want data now".

That's a really cool set of data, very well thought out.  It's also
interesting to see that the difference in "completeness" is less than
~5% no matter how much you import to begin.  So, you could read it as,
"imports don't damage the end result of the map... much" :)  I have a
feeling it's all in the noise anyway.

My only nit would be that it misses a very important metric: how
prolific were the mappers?  I know, before my local area got imported, I
did a few streets here and there, but only as much as I could survey and
note by hand.  Now, I can just take GPS traces and make sure that things
line up as cab other people from across the globe.

So, instead of unique users per time period, it might be interesting to
see unique users*nr_edits per time period.  

-- Dave

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