On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 1:40 AM, Mike N. <nice...@att.net> wrote:

> <tag k="addr:street" v="Big Grove Rd" />
> <tag k="addr:state" v="MyState" />
> <tag k="addr:county" v="MyCity, ST" />
> <tag k="addr:country" v="US" />
> I believe people have been saying that this information is not necessary,
> and is_in is also not necessary for 99% of cases, so we can save space by
> not including that for the Karlsruhe Schema.   (But I don't know how the
> namefinder works).

Yes. Please don't include "this point is within such-and-such a
polygon" data onto the point itself, it's redundant information and
not helpful. When a county border is changed by legislation, then
moving the border of the county should be sufficient for a mapper.
Having to check and update 10,000 address nodes would be error-prone.

Adding county/state/country data to address points will lead to a
similar problem as we have with the original TIGER node tags - it'll
takes ages to remove them further down the line!


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