
>     as an programmer my first bolean thoughts where
An as a foreign national my thoughts were "And I thought OSM was an 
international project..".

> Ok, a couple of points need to be made here:
> 1) It's just a disambiguation page. It even says that the definitions 
> aren't official.
What the hell is "official"? This is a community driven project!

> 2) Your comment indicates that there is value in collecting together 
> these definitions together in little knowledge bases to provoke discussion.
> 3) Yes, I think it's a dumb tag too. One of the legacies of its very 
> English history. It would be much better off as a landuse=* tag 
> describing it as publicly owned grass, with an amenity=* tag or 
> something identifying it as the village green. But what can you do.
We need to get a world-wide usable description for it. If we can't get 
one, we should mark it as deprecated.


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