On Wed, 9 Dec 2009, SteveC wrote:
> > Well that doesn't work,
> >
> > Why doesn't it work?
> See legal-talk ad nauseum.

I've read the whole lot, over an 18 month period of time, and there is no 
proof that CC-by-SA "doesn't work"

simplification of the argument does not assist anyone.

It may not protect data from copying
The data is not subject to copyright throughout the entire world.
The database can be protected from copying with this new licence.
That the data within the database can be protected from copying with the new 
licence is not proven
Whether the majority of contributors, who under the current scheme are the 
copyright owners of the data, want to protect the data is not proven
and whether the majority of contributors want to pass the copyright of that 
data to OSMF is not proven.

I can accept that that OSMF believes that it should replace CC-by-SA because 
it believes the data has to be protected.
Then we have to consider the conflicts of interest which exist on the OSMF 
Board, and the debate concerning the recent election.

Anyone can be a contributor to OSM without hearing of the OSMF for a prolonged 
period of time. You can't fairly deduce that only 265 people care enough about 
OSM to join. 
It is however quite stupid to think that only 265 people care enough about 
their data to be worth a vote, and even that vote dumbed down to a single 

Elisabetta the Fair

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