On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 15:43, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 6:47 AM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> 
> wrote:
>> Lars Francke wrote:
>>> At the moment I'm displaying statistical data about a snapshot of
>>> the OSM data.
>> Hooee, this is probably the single trickiest question I've seen.
>> I can't find any precedents for whether aggregate statistics such as
>> OSMdoc's are considered derivative works. My gut feeling, and no more than
>> that, is that they probably aren't. You are not really deriving any
>> information that's in the OSM database and offering it up for reuse.
> Lars' use case is a produced work[*].  How do we make this clear to
> the community and clearly permitted in the license?

Thanks for the answer!
I think it'd be great if something like this could be added to the Use
cases page (or other documents).

If you need any more details on what I'm doing I'll gladly provide the
information. I could make the source code available but that'll
probably do more harm than good at this time.

> Lars' Produced Work is a database, but his database is a list of keys
> and values with use totals.  The Produced Work drops the geo location
> data and the connectivity data from OSM.  This irreversibly prevents
> recreating or extracting the original data.  So by the community
> guideline above OSMDoc is a Produced Work.

I don't drop all the geo data and I don't drop the connectivity data.
In fact I'm producing more of this data than there was in the original

Four examples:
1) For every key and value I record which elements this key and value
are _currently_ used on.

2) Every key and value has a bounding box so one can see where the tag
has been used.

3) Way 1 in version 1 has four nodes. Two of those nodes are moved.
The original OSM data doesn't reflect this move in a new version of
the way. I record those "minor" version changes in nodes, ways and
relations and make them available on a similar page to OpenStreetMaps
current interface [1].

4) I have an experimental historical API that answers timestamp and
timerange queries: How did London look on 23.12.2006 at 12:33? Show me
all changes for Hamburg in the year 2007.

1) and 2) don't pose a problem, I hope. For 1) I can just drop all
information about pre ODbL information as this information is useless
anyway (those referenced elements can't be retrieved via the main API)
but 2) is geo data aggregated from both data sets.

I guess numbers 3) and 4) are problematic. I know they do much more
than the current feature set of OSMdoc but I implemented them because
those were two fairly often requested features. I guess their priority
just dropped a lot :)

So I guess my current solution would be to offer access to the
aggregated statistical data and then offer two views into the other
data. One for ODbL data and one for CC by-SA data. How would those two
datasets have to be separated?
Or to phrase it in another way: When can I combine ODbL data with CC
by-SA data, how do I do that and what do I have to do to comply to
(both) licenses?


[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/45724946

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