Saying "This would be a disaster" is a bit hyperbolic. Sure, people
who hate OSMapping and just want to use bulk imports will be very,
very disappointed, and possibly even a bit upset that they actually
have to go out into the real world and make maps.  ;-)

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 8:54 AM, John Smith <> wrote:
> 2009/12/11 Anthony <>:
>> I see no evidence that that's the case.  I don't think attempting to impose
>> a contractual agreement on others without their consent is going to work,
>> and I think there will be significant negative side-effects to such immoral
>> behavior.
> I don't think immoral is the right word here, people are trying to
> come up with a suitable method to make sure everyone is playing fair,
> if the data is improved isn't it only fair that the entire community
> benefits from it, since whom ever improved it is obviously benefiting
> from OSM data in the first place.
> Some would see it as immoral to not give back such changes to the community.
> While I agree with ODBL in principal, the devil is always in the
> details and I'm still trying to find somewhere to obtain Australian
> legal advice as to how this may adversely effect the Australian OSM
> community.
>> Plus I think OSM is going to lose a huge chunk of the database over this.
> This would be a disaster, but some have already mentioned having a
> read only database with non-ODBL data and then combining it on the
> tile server to get round this problem, the problem with that of course
> is how to remove non-ODBL data when ODBL data becomes available, since
> you wouldn't easily be able to edit or remove such data from a read
> only database.

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