"Arc" would make a certain amount of sense since the design of the built 
environment (e.g. road construction) is basically broken down into segments of 
arcs and spirals (i.e. the transition from straight to curved sections).  But 
then all associated tools would have to start acting like CAD applications, not 
just relying 
on the concepts used in say the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification.

In the longer term, road engineers could (should?) just be able to load their 
as-built engineering drawings straight into OSM.  Awesome...


--Original Message Text---
From: Anthony
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 11:59:31 -0500

We could, however, introduce a "arc" tag.  And if I was better at making 
proposals (and/or the OSM processes were better at accepting proposals), it 
probably already be introduced.  To represent an arc, you only need three 
points (start, end, and any third point on the arc uniquely defines a triangle 
which is 
circumscribed by exactly one circle).  This could even be made backward 
compatible.  Just split the way at the beginning and end of the arc and put 
Renderers that don't know about arcs would use three points (or four, or five, 
or whatever).  Renderers that do know about them would use as many as is 
necessary for the resolution of the image.  (In the case of an arc=yes tag with 
more than three points

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