Steve Bennett wrote:
> For example, around my city there are little "reserves" - patches of 
> grass reserved by the government for future development such as 
> freeways or train lines. They often get tagged "leisure=park", but 
> say I want to start tagging them "landuse=reserve" instead. Suddenly,
> instead of being green on mapnik, it will be white again - unrecognised 
> tag.
> Solution: tag it like this:
> landuse=reserve
> fallback:leisure=park

No. This is way beyond wrong in several ways.

Core principle: you should map what's on the ground. If it's a reserve, call
it a reserve. It's not a park, so don't call it a park. The OSM database
exists _only_ to record reality.

Secondly: as far as I can tell, you're proposing inserting
"fallback:leisure=park" into the database at every occurrence of
"landuse=reserve". You might also have, I dunno,
"fallback:highway=bridleway" for every occurrence of "highway=byway". And so
on across loads of tags.

This is just redundancy on a massive, massive scale. You're inserting the
same "hint" millions of times when you should be inserting it once. If
landuse=park always approximates to leisure=park, then that either needs to
be in the renderer stylesheets themselves (and it'd be one line in the
Mapnik stylesheet or osm2pgsql setup), or in a general equivalence document
that all the renderers can use (Shalabh's tree thingy).

Rendering information, of any stripe, does not go in the database. That is

You want instant gratification - that's fair enough. But the authors of the
stylesheets don't have the time to pander to every possible tag combination
- which is also fair enough, they're volunteers too and they have to
prioritise. And I hate to say it, but trac shows that people _do_ sometimes
invent obscure tags, which is ok, and demand support for them incessantly,
which isn't.

So the right way to solve it is to lower the barrier to getting Your
Favourite Feature rendered. Fortunately this is happening.

Cartagen is an instant-gratification JavaScript renderer. It's awesome.
Halcyon is the Flash one I'm working on and if you'll permit the immodesty,
I'd say it's ok, too. Kosmos is Igor Brejc's long-standing project which
gets better by the month and can produce lovely results. Tiledrawer is Mike
Migurski's superb "Mapnik for the rest of us" installation which is still a
bit more involved, but worth it as the best way to harness Mapnik MONSTER
POWER without a nervous breakdown. Cloudmade's Style Editor has some
limitations but you can't beat it in UI terms and I'm sure it'll get more
flexible in the future, so one to watch. Of course, Osmarender has been
around since about 38BC and is reasonably accessible. And there are others.

This leads to a virtuous circle: one renderer supports the tag -> tag more
widely used -> more renderer support -> and so on. Andy first started
rendering ncn_ref on OpenCycleMap several years ago, when OCM was just a
little local project rather than the world-conquering behemoth it is today.
Now there are cycle renderers for local areas, for Garmins, for routing, and
so on. It really works.

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