> I think it's important here to separate technically rational arguments 
> like
> "one update per week is enough" from emotional/social/visceral factors 
> like
> "omg, I made a change and it's already in the map!" That instant feedback
> has been a huge factor in Wikipedia's success. If the original 
> contributors
> had had to wait a week to see their change incorporated in anything, it
> never would have progressed beyond a niche activity.
> I'm not saying it's easy to get the hardware to make this happen for
> multiple renderings, like CloudMade can do. But it's important, if we want
> to attract more users.
Oh, come on! Minutely rendering of Mapnik is an recent development. The 
original contributors to OSM *did* have to wait a while to see any changes. 
Sometimes more than a week. And you can't say OSM hasn't come on since then 
can you? It can't be that big a block to attracting more users: The number 
of users has increased dramatically - almost exponentially. 

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