
I am looking at the best implementation of OSM local server for a public GIS
organisation anywhere in the world dealing with street data update everyday?

I am from Canada and I have heard about the Canvec project. However, I am
looking at success stories which OSM server ( and code ( have been locally
implemented and used for internal web applications.
In my own public organisation, we do have some legal issues with different
GIS datasets (e.g. street, aerial, thematic maps) from third parties, but we
would like to build an internal web mapping application using the OSM
philosophy and base maps, combining OSM data and our third-party datasets
(that is not GPL licence) without breaking the legal agreement we have.
After building a viable OSM internal server and once it for all dealt with
our legal issues, we could be able to transfer some street datasets into OSM
external site (
We do have very good datasets in PostGIS, we are using UMN MapServer,
OpenLayers (to combine OSM and other datasets),, web service
and MapFish already for our internal apps, but we would like to avoid
developing a complex WFS-T server and applications to monitor, validate and
update our street datasets, that is why OSM local server option might be a
good idea (example: using Merkatoor or other web OSM editing project for
low-level editing users in our organisation).

Thanks for letting me know good stories of this kind, options available or
critical information I might need before building a OSM local server project
involving other none-OSM datasets.


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