On 24 Dec 2009, at 02:01, Anthony wrote:

> >     How about a dog tracker?:
> >
> >     https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=209&pID=8576
> >     <https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=209&pID=8576>
> >
> >
> > $599 (USD)?
> Err... that's for the whole lot. As  I clearly stated only the collar
> transmitter might need replacing.
> My bad.  You're right.
> I realize this isn't the most serious thread, but it would be nice if,
> just once, you'd read what was posted, instead of knee jerking to be
> argumentative.
> C'mon, honest mistake.  I even wrote that nice response above before I read 
> your assholish remark.

Lol, you guys.

I've got one of these which is nice as a small relatively cheap tracker: 

It's not perfect, fiddly to set up (can work with my site http://mapme.at 
though) and only pings updates every 30s maximum. Battery's not great either 
but can manage for maybe 5 hours or so (and comes with a spare so perhaps you 
could wire them up together before wrapping in duct tape and putting in an 
airtight container).

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