2009/12/23 Kai Krueger <kakrue...@gmail.com>:
> I think pretty much everything has already been said on this topic, but
> writing emails and trac tickets is so much easier than writing patches...

Then you aren't really reading the emails on this topic.

> And John, you are a java programmer, right? So you would presumably actually
> have the technical skills to write patches, which admittedly not everyone
> has.

What patches am I supposed to write exactly?

TomH hasn't given any specific information on how SSL may be
implemented on OSM systems.

Passwords are long past their use by date and I don't think OAuth is a
valid security method.

In this day and age we should have moved to mutual cryptographic
authentication a long ago.

However there is little point in wasting time doing anything until OSM
does something, since what ever they do will directly impact on client

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