On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 21:25, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What software do people use to manage their GPX files? Mainly I want to be
> able to upload sections of GPX – rather than the whole thing – to Potlatch.
> And it might be nice to be able to combine a couple of traces into one long

I keep all my GPX traces in a git repository:


Then I have a script which finds out the traces I haven't uploaded already:


I don't edit my traces aside from the occasional start,stop limit I
place with GPSbabel to cut out chunks of them. I don't have any
privacy concerns with these traces (you can find out where I live
easily enough or bore yourself to death observing where I've bicycled)
 so I pretty much just upload them as-is and make them identifiable so
hopefully you'll be able to ignore them in your editor easily if one
of my occasional point clouds distracts you.

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