Thanks for the updates. Quite useful

Jochen Topf wrote:
> Long ways are a potential problem if you have long segments with no nodes in
> it. One problem is when you draw a small part of the map that has a line going
> through it but no nodes in it (because they are all outside), the line might
> not show because the software doesn't recognize this. You can run into this 
> when
> using Osmarender for instance. 
I don't really like saying this, but isn't this a "don't map for the 
renderer" case?
> Another problem ist the projection. Straight
> lines on the earth are not necessary straight lines in some projections. They
> should show up as curves. But if you don't have enought supporting nodes, you
> don't get nice curves. 
What projection does a map such as mapnik etc display apart from 
directly above?
> This view warnes you that you might run into those
> kinds of problems. It doesn't mean that your data is wrong. It means that in
> some cases your data might not be interpreted in the right way.
> Jochen
dave f.

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