On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 9:11 AM, Patrick Kilian <o...@petschge.de> wrote:
>> If enough flying rhinoceros' are mapped I'll add it to osmarender. The
>> interesting part here is the "enough".
> If this is the standard process, could it be documented? It's extremely
> unclear at the moment what the process is for getting new tags supported.
> You currently have this chicken-and-egg situation where you don't know if
> it's worth using a tag because you don't know if it will ever be
> implemented.

Do you know what it takes to implement a tag? I would say Patricks
description is pretty good, but he is part of the "everyone hates the
wiki camp" among some other prominent figures here. It's just an
opinion not a fact, the wiki does matter.

>>As you can see the wiki doesn't play a role in this decision.
> And if *that* is the case, that should definitely be documented, and the
> whole voting process abandoned as a distracting waste of time.

You see, that sentiment is why "wiki wankers should be banned111!!1"
is a bad meme. This is actively destroying the database, because no
one will discuss what goes into the database and that's bad.  The wiki
is the most important part of Openstreetmap, e.g. after mapfeatures
was posted on the wiki, usage of the highway tag soared.

I actually like the idea behind tagstats, tagwatch and osmdoc.
http://tagstat.hypercube.telascience.org/ http://osmdoc.com/en/

I think it's worth the money to get these tools very good servers, to
get them to run fast. But the wiki is still more important.


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