On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:48, Sam Vekemans
<acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As long as that person uses a dedicated account, and takes full
> responsibility, its cool.

It'll be uploaded under the "ourFootPrints import" account.

> 1: add the 'source=ourFootPrints.de' tag to it all

I'll be adding lots of source metadata both on the changeset and on
the objects themselves.

> 2: slice up the OSM file to bite sized geographical pieces ie. Small
> enough that JOSM can happely view that whole area in 1 download.
> -this can easily be done manually, as your file isnt that big. And
> have a mapping party (social get together) and load it all at once.

Yes perhaps I shouldn't upload it all at once.

What osmosis options should I use to slice up a file into say
~100x100km squares while making sure it doesn't do some silly cutting
of ways/nodes that go over those boundaries that'll ruin something?

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