Hi guys,

Some of you use CloudMade's routing to debug your mapping.  We've had
a lot of feedback that though useful, there are two problems:

1 - The routing is out of date, often lagging many days behind
2 - There are bugs with turn restrictions

As of this week, we are updating routing every 24 hours which should
help with checking mapping and finding errors.  Routing should update
by early evening GMT (16.00 is the target time) with data from the
previous day.  So at 16:00 on Friday 15th Dec, routing will have data
up to 00:00 on Friday 15th Dec.   This is a new service, so exact
completion times for the import will probably vary.

Turn restrictions - we are working on bug fixes for all of the turn
restriction problems that exist on our bug tracker.  You can report
bugs and request features here:

Happy mapping.

Nick Black

talk mailing list

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