Patrick Petschge Kilian wrote:
>> A Tagwatch pass might give us an assessment of what is actually used,
>> and that might tell if mass harmonization to make the data more
>> practical for the end users should be considered useful.
> I totally agree. Therefore I run a separate tagstat for the haiti extracts at
> It updates every 15 minutes or so and is (due to the small database) very
> fast.

Excellent, thanks !

Here is some quick analysis :

Building :

tag             uses    node    way
yes             951     4       947
collapsed       431     314     117
tank            27      0       27
risky           2       2       0

Risky is surprisingly rare considering its usefulness, but I guess that 
with satellite imagery it is only possible to distinguish between normal 
and collapsed.

Other relevant tags :

tag     value           uses    node    way
refugee yes             90      2       88
tourism camp_site       86      3       83      

There is only one "amenity:camp"... And it is in Copenhagen !

Note the interesting "residential:shantytown" area tag that might be 
useful to distinguish areas of different building types. 
does not show many "earthquake:*" tags. What we have :
tag                     uses    node    way
severe                  5       0       5
partially_collapsed     2       0       2

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