Hi there.

This one of the item listed in the Haiti Project Wiki -
I did not find any post on this on the list; apologies if I am mistaking and
grateful if i can be repointed to the relevant responses.

Here's a short call for some sound guidance documents for using gps and josm
if any available outside of the osm beginner guide and josm guide; by the
way, any way to bring them into a pdf doc.
The aim is to build straightforward and tailored to the Haiti EQ response
for GISers and non GISers responders with no familiarity at all with OSM to
used the OSM tools to edit directly in OSM and not share their info with OSM
via shapefile or other data sharing format.

Tx in advance for any materials

Nicolas Chavent
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Mobile (FRA): +33 6 75 14 29 70
Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
Skype: c_nicolas
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