Update: Christopher Schmidt working on both to make them available.


Am 19.01.2010 um 14:38 schrieb Jonas Krückel:

> More up to date imagery from GeoEye and DG. Please see the forwarded mails 
> following.
> Is someone already working on this for OSM?
> Jonas
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> Von: "Michael Keaney" <mkea...@digitalglobe.com>
>> Datum: 19. Januar 2010 00:42:44 MEZ
>> An: <crisismapp...@googlegroups.com>
>> Betreff: RE: [CrisisMappers] OpenStreetMap: What needs mapping?
>> Antwort an: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
>> DigitalGlobe collected most of the border today with WorldView02. Mostly 
>> cloud Free.  We mapped nearly the entire country today with the 
>> constellation. 74,795 km2 collected between WorldView01, WorldView02 and 
>> Quickbird.  All of this data is being produced and pushed to the Crisis 
>> Event Service.
>> Here are the links to browse imagery of the HA/DR border.
>> http://browse.digitalglobe.com/imagefinder/showBrowseMetadata?buffer=1.0&catalogId=1030010003259B00&imageHeight=natres&imageWidth=natres
>> http://browse.digitalglobe.com/imagefinder/showBrowseMetadata?buffer=1.0&catalogId=1030010003974200&imageHeight=natres&imageWidth=natres
>> It's our hope to collect additional imagery of the core area of Pap and the 
>> main road from the Haitian border to the port city of Barahona, Dominican 
>> Republic tomorrow. When/if available, it too will be produced and hosted on 
>> CES.
>> Mike 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com [mailto:crisismapp...@googlegroups.com] 
>> On Behalf Of Jennifer Leaning
>> Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 4:17 PM
>> To: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [CrisisMappers] OpenStreetMap: What needs mapping?
>> Areas in the DR near the border with Haiti, and from main airport into 
>> Haiti, and other roads from DR into Port au Prince and other affected towns 
>> might be useful.
>> Jennifer
>> From:        "Jonas Krückel (John07)"<jonas...@googlemail.com>
>> To:  <crisismapp...@googlegroups.com>
>> Date:        1/18/2010 5:07 PM
>> Subject:     [CrisisMappers] OpenStreetMap: What needs mapping?
>> Hi,
>> I asked before, but received only little feedback. PaP seems to be mapped 
>> almost completely and we do want to focus on areas that need mapping now. 
>> But we struggle to identify these. Please tell us what needs to be mapped, 
>> do you mainly need streets or are POIs more important? Which areas are the 
>> most important right now?
>> Any feedback is welcome and we also love to hear about people using our data 
>> on the ground.
>> You can find ways to contact us here: 
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti#Help_for_crisis_responders_.26_relief_organizations_with_OSM_data
>> Or simply answer to this email and I'll forward it to the right people.
>> Jonas
>> https://twitter.com/jokru
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Haiti
>> -- 
>> International Network of Crisis Mappers
>> http://www.CrisisMappers.net
>> This electronic communication and any attachments may contain confidential 
>> and proprietary 
>> information of DigitalGlobe, Inc. If you are not the intended recipient, or 
>> an agent or employee 
>> responsible for delivering this communication to the intended recipient, or 
>> if you have received 
>> this communication in error, please do not print, copy, retransmit, 
>> disseminate or 
>> otherwise use the information. Please indicate to the sender that you have 
>> received this 
>> communication in error, and delete the copy you received. DigitalGlobe 
>> reserves the 
>> right to monitor any electronic communication sent or received by its 
>> employees, agents 
>> or representatives.
>> -- 
>> International Network of Crisis Mappers
>> http://www.CrisisMappers.net
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> Von: Chris <chrisgnicho...@att.net>
>> Datum: 19. Januar 2010 03:24:34 MEZ
>> An: CrisisMappers <crisismapp...@googlegroups.com>
>> Betreff: [CrisisMappers] DigitalGlobe ftp site
>> Antwort an: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
>> Thank you Digital Globe!!!
>> ftp.digitalglobe.com
>> QuickBird:
>> u: xferhaiti1
>> p: ja99TrUT
>> Worldview-1:
>> u: xferhaiti2
>> p: 6hU9ruwu
>> Worldview-2
>> u: xferhaiti3
>> p: thUKeMu3
>> -- 
>> International Network of Crisis Mappers
>> http://www.CrisisMappers.net
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> Von: Chris <chrisgnicho...@att.net>
>> Datum: 19. Januar 2010 01:20:48 MEZ
>> An: CrisisMappers <crisismapp...@googlegroups.com>
>> Betreff: [CrisisMappers] Re: new GeoEye imagery
>> Antwort an: crisismapp...@googlegroups.com
>> And thanks to Steve Miller for getting this out!!!!
>> ftp://ftp2.geoeye.com
>> user: "Haiti Collections"
>> pw: "727150"
>> uname has a space in the middle...
>> It's rate throttled, so might take a WHILE.... this is HUGE stuff...
>> In the meantime, I set up another separate WMS service. (didn't want
>> to break the other, since it is getting a LOT of use...) , Already
>> spoken to NY Public Library, and they will be tilie caching it, so I
>> recommend going through them, and my little 2-banger pizza box will
>> max out quickly.  Also, there actually are a few more images to the
>> West that's aren't working too well with Minn Mapserver, but are just
>> fine locally in QGIS.  If you *really* need to look out there, and
>> can't wait to download the images, talk to me, I can set you up with
>> VNC-via-applet, that actually works quite nicely; you can see the
>> login screen at: http://maps.geography.uc.edu/vnc/login.html.
>> so, new WMS endpoint (please be kind!)
>> http://maps.geography.uc.edu/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/home/cgn/public_html/maps/Haiti/imagery/haiti2.map&SERVICE=WMS&Request=GetCapabilities
>> The imagery seems kinda dark too, but hey, scroungers can't be
>> choosers...THANK YOU GEOEYE
>> A shapefile of what I have so far is at:
>> http://maps.geography.uc.edu/~cgn/maps/Haiti/imagery/geoeye_recent.zip
>> Chris
>> still suckin' on the straws to get more of that delicious high-res
>> stuff...
>> -- 
>> International Network of Crisis Mappers
>> http://www.CrisisMappers.net
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