
Not sure what "something else" means.  I could make a GPX file which
can be loaded in Potlatch. The one thing with the direct link from the
Google Doc is the item you are editing in the center of the window.

The newest imagery covers a larger area so it might be okay just to do
another google doc with the centers of the camps.  Then people could
go to each camp and verify it or update it.  (editing tags wouldn't be
an issue really because you would be modifying a record rather than
having a new one)


On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Margie Roswell <> wrote:
> I did a slew of those points-to-polygons, yay! :)
> The Google Doc with the links (I'm guessing you're referring to the
> point-to-polygon spreadsheet?) was very helpful.
> What do you mean by "something else?"
> Bring it on!
> Best Regards,
> Margie

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