
Seeing all the tasks in the wiki, from Task/Ideas to Mapping, and trying 
to think about how to organize the development of "Lifesaver App", I 
recalled Project Management stuff.

I have created a shared spreadsheet, with an embryo of hierarchical 
structures, to keep track of :
- What : Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)
- How : Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Who : Organisation Breakdown Structure (OBS)

Those are standard notions in that field.

The document is open in read/write access to anybody accessing it thru 
the link :

To illustrate with an example, I have used the "Lifesaver App" subproject.

As you can see, there is a parallel numbering between the sheets, for 
easy cross-referencing.

Regarding sheet Who (OBS), I suggest using verbs and tense, as a simple 
form of project activity tracking.

Of course, feel free to extend, improve and reorganize as need arise.

I hope this will be useful to organize and coordinate the tasks.

Best regards,


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