
Dave F. wrote:
> Please take that in context with its following sentence. Can you show me 
> a router that can get me door to door no matter where I live?
> Or a search utility that returns no false-positives?

Not with OSM, nor with any other dataset available for any amount of money.

OSM doesn't let you fly to the moon in 3 seconds either, one of the many 
shortcomings that continue to disappoint me.

>> I think the single most important reason why some ventures don't, and 
>> will not, use OSM data is not the quality but the license. ODbL or no 
>> ODbL.
> Evidently this incorrect.

This is getting out of hand, foundations-of-debating-logically-wise. 
Firstly, you cannot ever have evidence that it is incorrect when I say 
"I think ...". Secondly, just because one or two or indeed "n" examples 
exist where someone rejected our data because of quality, this can never 
prove that there are not n+1 examples where someone rejected our data 
for another reason.

I'm happy to indulge in endless debates but if I have to start 
explaining the basics of logic then my patience is exhausted.


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