You would be surprised. The US Military base vector data set VMAP
( is in places far better than
OSM, and in others (think Haiti) OSM is much better. That said, the
military & intelligence agencies use this in *conjunction* with other
sources of data: imagery, navteq, teleatlas etc etc.


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Dave F. <> wrote:
> Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> AFAIK our current license offers our data for everyone who attributes
>> correctly, but I'd like to raise the issue of malicious use of our
>> data by governmental organisations. What do you thing about setting up
>> a paragraph that prohibits the use of our data for military and
>> intelligence services? Not that I'm hoping this would seriously
>> prevent the use in case we have useful data to them, but still it
>> would be a statement.
>> cheers,
>> Martin
> Oh my Lord, do I hope that the military services in my country are using
> data /slightly /more accurate & reliable than OSM.
> A statement of what, precisely?
> Dave F.
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